Tag Archives: philippine dentist

TMD Disorder and Orthodontic Treatment


Research shows that health problems as varied as headaches and breathing problems may be related to abnormal alignments of the bones of the face and jaw, all of which is related to malpositioning of teeth. When there are misalignment on any of these components, chances are the rest of your body will follow suit. Some would complain of neck, shoulder or back pains and clicking of jaws while others will present slouching, dissymmetry of facial features and idiosyncratic symptoms like itching of the inside of the ears. They may not be aware that they are suffering from a not so known disorder called Tempero-Mandibular Disorder, or TMD. Learn more about TMD, and how the Makati Dentist can help you. Continue reading TMD Disorder and Orthodontic Treatment

Prevent your kids’ cavities

You’d think that children of dentists would score top grades in dental health. Well, that isn’t always the case. Take our four-year-old, for example.

My wife and I are both Philippine dentists, so it puzzled and disappointed us to find a couple of gray areas (initial sign of cavities) forming in between our son’s lower front teeth, despite our meticulous cary preventive routine. Disappointed, she started doing research and came to the conclusion that our son inherited her salivary ph, which is a bit on the acidic side.  This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise because studies show that infants get the common oral bacterial flora primarily from their mothers since they are the ones who are physically closer – sharing oral utensils, kissing, etc. My wife, while growing up, was very meticulous about her oral health but noticed that no matter what she did, cavities do crop up now and then, while I was virtually cavity free (my saliva ph was on the basic side). Continue reading Prevent your kids’ cavities

On porcelain crowns

Many Philippine dentists, including Makati dentists like myself, dislike the metal behind most porcelain crowns, and for years, we had to make do with chair-side troubleshooting to make the artificial teeth look more natural. This was because it took too much time to return these crowns to the dental laboratories that manufacture them. Continue reading On porcelain crowns